Global Resource Manual: Poverty

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The environmental issue of littering is becoming a major problem in America today. About 85% of littering is the result of individual attitudes (“How”). Even though littering may not seem like a big problem to some people it affects our water, air, animals & soil.
            Americas waste / plastic industry manages 250 million tons of household and other municipal solid waste. On average an American discards 4 pounds or waste everyday more than half are plastics. Some people have different views on littering, why litter when statistics say 83% of the time the person involved in littering I close enough to just dispose of the waste. Studies show since 04’ littering Is up 21% considering the campaigns against littering it could be a lot worse.
            In some cities recycling bins and city trash cans are given in efforts to try and help the quickly arising problem. Some people figure there is no point in recycling or throwing trash in the trash can. States even go as far as to give money back by the pounds of plastic bottles turned in. The real issue is the danger and at risk factor we put our environment and earth. The amount of waste produced could be cut down a chunk if people would all get on the same page about the issue. Due to the littering animal environments and even our oceans are taking a big hit animals are dying from eating plastic and metal discarded into lakes and oceans. If the littering keep up the chances of Americans losing the upper hand on the fight will sky rocket.
            In America today there are some very serious organizations helping fight against the problem. NOWPAP is a non profit orginzation thats mainlyhelps fight against the littering in watters but also has expanded to the land issues aswell. Green Eco is another helping in the fight against the litter out break. Their aremany other groups that helpfight against the problembut individually amercians as a whole need toallstpup and accept the challange. Rite now across america there is not enough being done to help prevent the growing issue. Not even half the United States citizens recycle shows how much of an issue it is to most. What needs to happen is citizens need to sign a contract saying theywill dispose of a certian amount of plastic, paper and metal to help keep the number low in the littering problem.
            The U.S should spend as much money as it takes to get tis issue under control. The same way america deals with smaller scale issues such as passing laws on drinking age and tobacco purchase age. Money goes toward those issues so money can be put toward saving our planet and keeping our enviroment clean. Lookin at the big picture the U.S spends money on many of things that are pointless and or earth should not be a debate money should automaticall go toward the programs and ways to help out.
            With the already out of control littering problem we have in america consequences increase as the days go on. Our enviroment is suffering in ever way possible, the continuing and dileberate ignoring of the issue willonly make things worse. There aremany ways you can help out only if its as simple as picking up a piece of trash or recycling bottles any little thing amounts to somthing big in the long run. With nothing done our waste system could be the same as a third world country’s waste system and could bring many more diseases and illnesses fromun sanitary conditions.

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