Global Resource Manual: Poverty

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Enviornmental Effects of Natural Disasters

Have you ever been in a natural disaster? Since the early days of immigration, these events have been frequently occurring. Everything from the economy to the environment has been harshly affected. Some of the industrialized activities that the United States does increases the intensity and frequency of all natural disasters at every and any level. The natural disasters have somewhat had a significant effect on the eco-system. In fact, the effect has grown so much that, environmental losses have transpired. One by one, we can prevent the events from conquering the world and the after effects it has.

First off, natural disasters are huge, but do they really begin that big? Pollution plays a major role in the natural disasters. The contamination the pollution carries, according to Wikipedia, states, “The industrial revolution was when pollution became a danger to the environment.” Like, for example, smog, making hurricanes increase their size, and speed due to oil dumping in certain areas. Also, stated on, “Increasing population (the increased use of light and energy) are causing more changes to tidal waves, floods, and cyclones.” Climate change is also a big reason to the changes made in hurricanes and cyclones. The warmer the water gets, the faster the water moves, and ultimately, it will have a greater impact that we will not expect, like hurricane Katrina. No one expected Katrina to hit so hard, but it did due to the climate changes going on all around the coastal areas. The climate changes come from people using a lot of electricity and gas, which causes the global warming. As you can see, everything is connecting in some sort of way. All in all, we should watch our actions and take care of the earth to the best of our ability because it will pay off in the end.

How can we prevent the increasing size and speed of the natural disasters? Well, for one, we can close down some of the coastal power plants to conserve energy and stop the global warming around those particular areas. stated, “You should use small recycled plastics and old tires to reduce the heat wave brought on by it. Other ways, said by were, “To use sandbags to prevent erosions and floods. By doing so you can prevent riverbanks from exceeding the high levels of water.” has help programs of their way of preventing natural disasters, which is good help for survival. Another example seen by Ineesite was, “You should not chop trees down because it can or will cause erosion.” Farmers should stop burning their fields because the fire more than likely gets out of hand and goes everywhere. Also, we should stop destroying coral reefs, fragile mountains, and forests because we need these resources to protect us from tsunamis, drought landslides, and other disasters.

How big and dangerous can these types of things get? Just look back years ago, and think about how Katrina affected our lives. Or you can look at the event that occurred just last year in Haiti. It would be horrific to say that you had the chance to help them out for the trouble you brought along. How can you live knowing that using all the power you did use, brought on a big change in the climate and made a person whom you don’t know life in so much jeopardy? If you can just give back to the community and just help others make a big life change and go green and do the right things it will really pay off. This is one of the most non-looked-at things in the environmentally affected category because when you think of this you think of the economy first. No one looks at the affect this has on others lives, when they should we all should.

To close this out, natural disasters are brought along by the fact that no one conserves energy. When you do not conserve energy it causes drastic changes to the warmness of the water which makes things like tsunami's and hurricanes increase in speed and frequency. So do us all over the world and the people in the coastal areas conserve energy the best you possibly can.

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