Global Resource Manual: Poverty

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Are you fat? In the state of Indiana alone, the obesity rate for adults is currently 30 percent. Obesity is a serious issue on the rise that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. In her article Rudavsky stated, “Instead of just telling people to avoid fast food, communities need to tell people where they go to buy fresh food.” America needs to raise the taxes of unhealthy foods and snacks containing high calories so they will equal the price of the healthier foods; therefore, there will be no more excuses.

Obesity is a problem for every age and every ethnicity. According to an article written by Arlene Ignico, '21.2 percent of children between ages two and five are overweight or obese.' Most of the children included in the percent tile came from low-income families. People who fall into the low-income range argue that the healthier foods costs too much; the families have no choice to buy the fatty foods because they cannot afford the healthier foods. Personally, I'd eat anything before I'd starve myself. However, like I stated earlier, if the healthier foods prices were equal to the non-healthier foods, then the justifications for the people's unhealthy eating habits will have to vanish.

Obesity is not only unhealthy, but it is also expensive as well. Rudavsky stated in her article that, 'In 2008, obesity cost the state about $435 per adult. That could rise to $1,484 by 2018.' So, using the argument, 'It’s cheaper,' makes no sense because it is actually a lot more costly than people believe. Also, including the cost of hospital bills and prescriptions needed to manage health diseases like diabetes, more money gets thrown away.

Yes, I've stated earlier that it is people's own fault for being obese because they decide what to put into their mouths; however, I must admit, that sometimes it is genetic. Genetic factors play a major role in eating habits. If your parents have bad eating habits, don't exercise, and are overall unhealthy citizens themselves, statistics show that their offspring will follow the same pattern. It's as if they are taught from birth how to be unhealthy. So yes, I sympathize for those kinds of people, but that still isn't an excuse to live as an obese person. Those people must work harder to break their habits for their future children so they won't be obese as well.

Unhealthy foods need to be taxed! Yes, many people may argue that it is unnecessary and many people may complain, but, at the end of the day it is good for the community. Our children are our future; we need to teach them now how to be healthy so that the future of America will be a healthier and more efficient country. We are the United States of America, so we Americans all need to unite as one healthy nation and resolve this issue. Will you sacrifice your sweet-tooth to save the country?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Make a Change, your blog looks great! Your hard work is evident. Keep it up.
