Global Resource Manual: Poverty

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Many Americans believe that immigration is a bad thing but is it really? There should be more support and a sense of urgency in helping immigrants in America and trying to get to America achieve that better lifestyle. Viewpoints all over America are different, some for and against immigration. I strongly welcome and believe that immigrants are not at all bad to the American society and think they should have faster ways of getting immigrant’s green cards and visas.
Immigration in ways is sometimes the path to a better life for some foreigners ,and I don’t think we as Americans should be at all against that. Third world countries and people in those countries are in survival mode, scarce jobs, limited resources & no helping hand to assist them. Immigration is a beautiful thing so America the richest country in the world should have a positive impact on immigration and the people. Immigrants from other countries are looked at as outsiders , I mean they are but if they took all the trouble to get here, why not just respect that and applaud them for wanting a better life.
Is it really fair, the law in Arizona lets cops randomly check people of Hispanic heritage & if no green card is shown they can be arrested and taken to jail for the suspicion of being in the United States illegally. Immigration can be viewed the same as politics, some think its good and some think it’s bad that’s with anything though there is always two sides to every story. Immigration is the only other way to survive for some of these foreigners coming from the countries especially Mexico and giving them a hard time and not welcoming the Hispanics in some cases is looked upon as if that’s what they deserve.
Immigration in many ways is good and bad but never right for American citizens to be judgmental.  Reports show that it can take up to five years for Hispanics to get their green cards to be in the United States legally. This could be one of the main reasons that nearly 11 million illegal citizens lived in the United States as of 2008 & here in Indiana numbers are not that high some may differ but around 45,000. The immigrants do not have time to wait around so they take matters into their own hands which is not right but a better side can be brought to light of the situation .
There should be more support and a sense of urgency in helping immigrants in America and trying to get to America achieve that better lifestyle. There are pros and cons to both sides of the immigration laws and view point that can be discussed.  The 11 million illegal immigrants that lived here as of 2008 is more than likely grown because the demand in society for jobs and better living. There is no excuse for someone waiting on a green card for five years. In such a city as Indianapolis or even our state, Indiana immigration is not as big an issue as states bordering Mexico so there shouldn’t be a big problem.

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