Global Resource Manual: Poverty

Monday, February 21, 2011

Child Abuse

Did you know that a report of child abuse is made every ten seconds?   It’s true, except for murder; child sexual abuse is the most expensive victim crime in the United States (Malott).  Child abuse in any form is a crime that needs to be put to an end.  We need to get together to make Public service announcements to help reach out to as many people as possible. P.S.A.’s need to be created and money needs to be raised to help the already abused children, and hopefully with that money, we can start a foundation for abused children. Child abuse is the problem at hand.   We need to get together to recognize the severity of the problem and work to use the mass media to help spread the word and help lower or even prevent child abuse. 

Public service announcements need to be created because they reach many people.  People watch them on television and hear them on the radio.  We can use them to send the powerful message needed to help people get involved to help the cause. Through P.S.A.’s hopefully people will see how much of an issue child abuse really is.  It also will help lower the killings of these abused children, because “almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse,” and “ more than three out of four are under the age of four” (ChildHelp).

Another way to help abused children is to donate money to an already existing foundation or to help start a new foundation for the children who have already been abused.  Although this does not help prevent abuse now, it helps the children who have been abused get help.  Donating money will be better in the end, because if abused children get help and comfort at a young age, it can prevent them from being violent later on in life.  About 30 percent of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse. ( Childhelp).  We need P.S.A.’s to help.

Child abuse is an act that needs to be stopped, but you might ask yourself why people abuse their children.  When children get abused, it is probably because of an ignorant reason.  When little infants cry and the parents do not know what is wrong with the baby, it sometimes will lead to abuse.  Some parents lead to abuse as their last resort, when in all reality, that is not the last resort.  Child abuse should never be an option.  Whatever the issue is, you should still never abuse.
Child abuse is a huge issue in our community.  We need to do whatever we can to lower and put an end to child abuse.  Do not just sit around and say this is an issue, but not do something to help. Get out, donate money, and help create public service announcements to put a stop to this.   Is a baby crying ten minutes really worth losing your child over?

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